Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today's A New Day...Where are my Blue Skies?

Hi all.   Today marks the 50th day since my Daddy went home to see his Savior face to face.  I'm blessed to say that Dad did "pass through" to his healing.  God may not have taken the cancer out of Daddy, but in His Divine Sovereignty, God took Daddy out of the cancer.

This is my first day on my blog site since April 8th.  There were many days that I wanted to engage, but just couldn't bring myself to open the pages of my recent past.  To say the least, life is not the same.

I wanted to somehow begin where we ended previously.  Five months have passed, I have so much I'd like to share with you so let's go back in time to April 2011...

That last followup CT scan  (April 13th) did not give us favorable results.  The last two cycles of chemo had no effect on the tumors.  As a matter of fact the cancer had continued to spread.  We received this report on Thursday, April 21st, the day before Good Friday.

We had talked about going to Tennessee for Easter, but Mom was really not up to it.  So I thought that it would be good medicine for all of us to do another "Robertson Family Eat Fest".   I called Aunt Jenny and ask if she would help me set up for another family dinner.  She of course agreed and with the help of Aunt Faye and Aunt Birdie dinner plans were set.  We left Detroit on Good Friday morning headed for Columbus.

It was the best!  Natalie and her family came up from Tennessee.  We were also able to get Cindy and Aaron to come down from Detroit.  We had all Dad's children here except for Dorian and his daughter, Sadorian.  We began the day in celebration for the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Dad was not aware that all three of Natalie's children were coming and it was a major surprise when he walked into church and saw Cindy and Aaron there.  He walked into to full rows of his children, grandchildren, and great-grand baby, Leif!  He cried for the first hour of the service.

We had dinner with the entire Robertson gang and finished the gathering with Daddy on the dance floor!  Yes, your heard me right...Daddy got up and followed Cousin Biddy in a line dance.  Some of the steps were new to him, but believe me; he caught on quickly.

The Ruffus Robertson Family 
We ended the night as a family together at a local hotel.  There were sixteen of us in all.  We all met in Mom and Dad's room, eating (again), sharing, and loving one another like never before.  Seeing Dad enjoy his family was priceless.  (If you look closely you can clearly see why I have always been called "Bettie" and Natalie has always been called "Lorenzy")

What was so special about these times was that they were directed and given to us by God.  There was not an event in Daddy's last 14 months of life that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit was not directing.  This includes the doctor's appointment, second and third opinions, visits to Dorian, and all.  It's too extensive to express in a blog, but should God provide me the means and time I will share in the form of a book at a later date.  This entire process of time was one miracle and move of God after the other.  God loves Daddy and us so much that He Himself planned Dad's last months, weeks, days, and hours.

I miss him more than I'd ever have the ability to articulate. 

Daddy, Mama, and their Grands on Easter 2011

I SMILE, even though I hurt see I SMILE, I know God is Working so I SMILE...

Yolanda, Mom, Dad, and Natalie

John and Harry

Friday, April 8, 2011

We Have Missed You !!

As you can imagined so much has transpired since my last post. 

January 4, 2011 was Dad's last day for radiation treatment.  Dad and Mom were able to go home to Tennessee for a few days and visit family there.  They are so cute when they get a chance to go home.  It is as if their entire being embraces the the joys and comforts their home and family down there produces.  They even smile and laugh more as the time approaches for them to journey down home. 

Family and friend visits, family dinners, church services; all the makings of a wonderful time away.  No chemo, no doctor's appointments, no cold Detroit weather.  Although I heard that Dickson is no joke in the winter months either.
After a two day extended stay because of that horrible snow storm that swept over almost every state in the nation they made it safely back up north.

Dad had two test scheduled upon his arrival back home to Michigan.  The MUGA, which is a test of the heart function and also a CT scan of his chest.  The MUGA results showed that Dad's heart function had decreased once again.  The CT scan showed that the original tumor had not responded much to the radiation treatments and that the cancer had spread to the pleural apex of his right lung.

Dad has had two more cycles of chemotherapy since this new finding.  He will have a followup CT scan in a few weeks.  His is doing well.  He is fatigued most days and experiences some pain in his right arm and shoulder, but otherwise is doing quite well.  I am so very proud of my Dad!  He just leans further into Jesus, thanking him for healing his body of cancer.  This adjustment has only reaffirmed our knowledge that our faith object is God, the giver of life.  I must be honest and admit that it has been a rough time for all.  I have attempted to write this update several times, but the words just wouldn't come out right.

My family and I make several trips a month up here to assist Mom and Dad. We call ourselves the Z-circus.  I now home school both our girls so we pack every one's laptop computer, a suitcase full of school books, (I'm enrolled in an online degree program as well) the dog, real estate contracts, Harry's design/build plans, and anything else we can stuff in that truck.  We are truly on a Journey!  It is our desire to arrive at the destination God has for each and every one of us.  It is so awesome to SEE GOD in the midst of this storm.  I see Him in Dad.  I see God in Mom.  I even see God in my girls.  We are all being crushed.  God is working things such as fear, pride, selfishness, impatience, and a host of other things out of us.  And working into us more of  His son Jesus.  Though our hearts are torn, we have vowed to praise Him through this storm.

Things we are looking forward to:
Dad's Healing
Dorian coming Home
A family trip out west
Planting Day for Dad's garden

Please continue to pray for:
Dad and Mom.
Wisdom for the doctors
My siblings, Natalie and Dorian
Strength for the Z-circus
and Most importantly that God receives the glory in it all!

Loving All of You

Dad and his garden watch dog Ruffus
"I'm waiting patiently on those tomatos"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

More Anniversary and Chirstmas Pictures

Still Looking Good after all these Years

Still flirting after 50 years

I'm everything I am because YOU loved me.

Aunt Birdie C.

Aunt Jenny and Uncle Hubert

Aunt Starr and Uncle June

Jana'y recites her poem of Love

Life is Good!

Tiffany says Happy Anniversary

Dianna sings Mom's favorite song: Psalm 121

Cousin Joe L. the photographer

Our Family Christmas

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Something about these Winter Months

Here I am again, a month later... Its something about the Winter that demotivates me.  I have never considered myself one whose disposition changes in the dark cold months of Winter, but something happens.  If nothing else I realize as I get older how little I like the snow and cold.

Anyway I MUST share what a wonderful time we had during the Christmas holiday!  Dad and Mom were able to come to Columbus and spend their 50th Wedding Anniversary with us on Christmas Eve.  It was fun!  We surprised them with a limousine ride and dinner.  They shared their special evening with Dad's brothers and their wives, and his sister Birdie.  (Uncle John was not feeling well so he and Aunt Francine did not make dinner, however they made a pit stop at their home on the way back from dinner.)  They had a blast!

On Christmas day we had our traditional Robertson family dinner.  My Aunt Faye's family joined us this year.  We had great fellowship and food as usual.  We also carried the anniversary celebration over on Christmas day by setting up a special area for Dad and Mom to sit along with a special time of recognition.  We were able to take some time and share Dad's testimony of how God is working a miracle of healing in his body.  Of course an invitation for receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior was given by Mom. 
For those of you who don't know, Jesus IS coming back soon!  Please make plans to go back with Him!

Dad took his last radiation treatment a few days ago.  He is doing well.  He looked so good while down here on his visit.  I believe they both had a wonderful time with family.  It has been a rough time of it, but God is bringing them THROUGH.

Thank you cousin Ben for your prayers and inspiration.  We see the radiology oncologist and Dad's medical oncologist in a week.  We will get an update of how the radiation has worked a few weeks thereafter.  We should also know what the next step is for treatment and chemo soon. 

Thank you for hanging in here with me.  And as always keep the prayer and praise wheel turning.  Love you all.


The Surprise Gift

The Presentation

It Sure Has Been a Ride!

No Fun Riding without Family

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad

Monday, December 6, 2010

Left Out in the Cold

Good Afternoon Family and Friends,

I just received a message from my cousin Sylvia in Tennessee.  She is wondering how we are doing because she has not seen an update in a while.  Thank you Sylvia for the prompt.  I admit that I have left my fellow bloggers out in the cold.  It is currently 21 degrees with snow flurries here in central Ohio.  Please come in out the cold and take a minute to catch up with us...

Dad is doing really good.  Today begins his fourth week of radiation.  He has experienced very few side effects from these treatments, nothing like the chemo treatments.  We are praising God!  The only thing is that he has to go downtown for treatments every day during the week.  But they are managing well.  I just spoke with Mom on the phone, Dad is driving and there is no snow in Detroit.  We are grateful that they live so close to Karmanos, some people have to drive a great distance to receive treatments.

Dad will most likely begin the chemo treatments again after the radiation treatments end sometime in January.  The oncologist will take a few scans about two weeks after radiation ends in order to determine the effects of the treatments.  We are already praising God for continued victory and total manifestation of healing!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  We celebrated Mom's birthday that Sunday.  We are looking forward to Christmas with the Robertson family.  Mom and Dad will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve.  My Uncle Robert and Aunt Laura will celebrate their 50th as well on the same day.  That's right, sisters married cousins on the same day!  Happy Anniversary Uncle Robert and Aunt Laura D.

My siblings and I had begun plans for a big celebration at the Gaylord Hotel in Nashville before Dad was diagnosed.  Unfortunately we won't be able to do that just yet, but we will mark the occasion.  Please send your congrats via mail, phone, or blog.

Thank you again for coming in out of the cold.  I apologize for leaving you out there for so long.  You are welcome to stay in a little longer and warm your toes.  While you do, please browse the pictures below and write a response.  We would love to hear from you.  Honestly, it helps me to write when I know someone is out there reading.  It's hard to have a conversation with yourself, if you know what I mean.  Thanks Sylvia.  We love you all and covet your continued prayers.

P.S.  Hey cousin Benny, I did get your last post and I did share it with Dad.  I apologize for not responding.  Please hang in there with me.  I appreciate you.

Dad and Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!

Harry and Yolanda
Happy Birthday Yolanda!

At Aaron's School Play
Back Row: Cindy (Aaron's Mom)
Middle Row: Angie, Taniesha, Mom, Dad, Harry, and Aaron (Dorian's son)
Front Row:  Sheronda, Yolanda

Leif and Marcus

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So Much to be Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving Family and Friends!  God is so very Faithful to all of us!!

I just wanted to take this time and Praise our Wonderful-Glorious- God.  He is just so very Amazing.  I am thankful for so many things and I am sure you are as well. 

Please take this next week and slow the pace, enjoy your loved ones, and most importantly, Thank our God for His enduring Love. 

The Ruffus Robertson family will be doing the same.

We Love You.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Missing You

Fellow Bloggers, 

I do apologize for the MAJOR lapse in time.  As you can imagine so much has transpired since we last spoke.  Dad is home now.  He is doing good.  After his fourth chemotherapy treatment his doctor ordered a Echo cardiogram test for his heart.  One of the chemo meds has an adverse effect on the heart so they wanted to see how his was doing seeing that he has had several bypass surgeries.  Well the results told them that he needed to sit out his next couple of chemo treatments to allow his heart functions to get better.  The test he took which gave this information is called a MUGA Scan.  (compared to the echo, it gives a more accurate result)

Now they would like to began radiation therapy for the next six weeks beginning mid November.  Chemotherapy will probably resume after the radiation treatments.

The good news is....drum roll please........THE TUMOR HAS DECREASED IN SIZE BY A LITTLE MORE THAN 50% !!!!!

We are praying for wisdom.  Thanking our God for all that He has done on Dad's behalf.  Looking ahead for complete manifestation of his healing.  Moreover, praising God for you and your continued prayers.